How it all started...
Pastor Favor and his wife Lynette and four children were sent out of the Ambassador Baptist Church in Fresno California, (now Fresno Church) as missionary church planters to start a new church in the Sandpoint Idaho area in 1994. The church started from ground zero and slowly began to grow over the years. After 18 years of meeting in numerous grange halls and community halls the Lord open the door for us to merge with a smaller congregation that had a building and property debt free. We merged with the Sagle Baptist church and eventually settled on the name "Victory Church". Through the years we have seen many people saved, baptized, and discipled. We have grown as a congregation numerically as well as spiritually. We are a congregation that aspires to follow the word of God and not the legalistic standards many impose outside of the liberty we have in Christ Jesus. Our current growth has forced us to have 2 services as we wait the building of our new auditorium in the near future. We look forward to what the Lord has for us as a congregation as we continue to give the gospel and grow in our faith.

Expanding the vision...
our vision is to clearly give the gospel to all we come in contact with through our church ministries as well as in our personal daily walk. We also have a passion for discipleship. We want all to be able to give a reason for "the hope the lies within us!" Part of that discipleship is realized informally through fellowship and feasting. The other part of discipleship is realized through the specific teaching and applying of God's word in small groups and in regular services.
Where we are headed...
As our church grows we look forward to the completion of our new auditorium desperately needed as we continue to grow and reach our community for Christ. We also look forward to leading our children in developing a strong relationship with the Lord.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.